
RCVP Ltd work with and form co-operatives with care operators, land owners, financiers and existing and would-be sector participants to ensure that land and property fits efficiently into the appropriate care solutions.

Our Aims and Objectives

Our team has a unique, experienced and very successful blend of property and care experience. Our sector contacts and reputation mean we are in touch with a spectrum of specialists in care, property and financing arenas which give our advice to you a leading edge. We believe that we can provide a very intimate understanding of value drivers which make land owners and operators alike feel that the best outcome can be achieved through land and property to drive operational success. Ultimately, the best land components of a care facility will only serve the operation successfully if secured on the right terms and on the right basis with the appropriate planning consent.


The care sector is fragmented due to a number of factors which include private/public/not for profit agendas. At one end, large corporate operators such as Southern Cross and Four Seasons exist. At the other end, hundreds of private and family owned care facilities exist. Most of these organisations are so focused on their operations that rarely do they get a chance to sit above the business and take a forensic look at existing and future land and property components and how they could drive value very effectively.

Traditional models of sheltered housing and warden controlled accommodation are becoming outdated or no longer meet the needs and preferences of an ageing population.

At the other end of the spectrum of housing options for older people is traditional nursing care but this is not a positive choice for older people.

Retirement and care village businesses have a proven track record in other countries, where they are a readily established and recognised forward thinking solution to the challenges of helping populations to live longer in well designed environments.

Inevitably, in living longer, more general assistance with day to day tasks becomes a necessity. The ability to choose or select assistance from an "as required" menu of assistance from domestic and or nursing care options through to a helping hand with occasional tasks is often all that is needed.

Land Owner

We sit alongside landowners and give them a realistic understanding of the probability and suitability of their land ownerships suiting the care sector. We can then explain and implement a strategy to bring forward this concept and crystallise the value.

Understanding and extracting this value is very difficult to achieve without intimate operational understanding. Securing planning without that operational pedigree and reputation is very difficult.


Due to the ageing demographic pattern in the UK, investor appetite for a long term position in the care sector remains strong.

Selecting the best conduit and partners for investment is crucial. Factors such as timing, gearing and a misplaced confidence on achieving planning means some of the most experienced investors have not yet achieved their ambitions from the sector. There are some key fundamentals and due diligence that must be part of an investment process. The desired investment timeframe horizon is also very important in deciding the best route to successful investment.

Most investors understand that property is an ingredient in future investment performance in the care sector but few understand what part it can play and just how significant it can be. Only recently have many operators and their financiers understood the impact and cost of financing ill timed land banks and development pipelines out of thin operational revenues.

We simplify the income streams from the care sector enterprises and explain how that income relates to land and buildings.